The site of the San Bernardino terrorist attack is one of many locations where demonstrators planned to stage rallies Saturday as part of the nationwide “March Against Sharia,” sponsored by the conservative group Act for America, which calls itself “the NRA of national security.”

Protesters planned to march near the county’s Inland Regional Center where a Pakistani American couple fatally shot 14 people in 2015. The incident was cited by President Trump as one reason for his controversial travel restriction policy that temporarily bans refugees and immigrants from six Muslim-majority nations.
The rally and march in opposition to Islamic law was scheduled to take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., organizers said. It is one of several demonstrations planned in more than 20 cities, including New York, Chicago, Boston, Dallas and Atlanta.
“This is a march against Sharia law and for human rights,” according to a statement posted on Act for America’s website. “Our nation is built on the freedom of religion — a pillar of our democracy — which we must always respect, protect, and honor. However, many aspects of Sharia law run contrary to basic human rights and are completely incompatible with our laws and our democratic values.”