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Elira Bregu

Wording Changes Our Feelings

What are we telling ourselves on a regular basis? Do we praise ourselves for a job well done and accept our errors as just being human or do we have a habit of putting yourselves down for every little thing?

It saddens me when I see so many people putting themselves down by telling they're dumb or stupid. This is one of the most destructive things they can do and it will undermine their success.

We are only human. We will make mistakes and yes, some of us will have a hard time adapting to new technology, learning to play golf or whatever it is we personally find difficult. But, this does not make us less intelligent than the rest of the people.

We can be hard on ourselves and to those around us, but we don’t need to be offensive. The self-talk that mental chatter goes on all day has a lot to do with our level of achievement. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imaginary, therefore, it believes and acts upon whatever commands we give it.

Here is why the transformational vocabulary to describe our experience of any given situation or emotion help us to shift out of the analytical mind and get into our heart full of positive feelings.

Transformational vocabulary means words that amplify our good feelings when we tell them. For example, if someone asks how you are, instead of saying fine or ok, try saying great or terrific. This simple change in your choice or wording will change the way you feel.

There is a wonderful comic strip in the newspaper called Zits. In one cartoon, the teenager, Jeremy, comes to breakfast in a terrible mood. He is using complaining words at the breakfast table. His mother tells him that if he would change what words he uses, he would feel better. So he starts to be sarcastic and makes fun of this advice by yelling emotionally charged positive words as he goes out the door to school. As he slams the front door, he stands there and says, "Rats! I do feel better!"

To feel less poorly about an undesirable occurrence reduce the impact of the words you use. Rather than saying something like "I hate my job," you might say, "I'm not really fond of my job." While it expresses the same dislike in your feeling, the emotional impact is much less, resulting in feeling better about the situation.

By reducing the impact of the words we use to describe unpleasant situations and enhancing the intensity of those we use to describe pleasant feelings or situations, we begin to feel better and happier about our life.

Changing our focus, using better time management skills, and practicing the living, health suggestions will guide us to a healthier and happier life. Getting our financial health in order is a must. And remember, to lighten up. Allow humour to be a high priority in taking charge of your own health and happiness.

"True life lies in laughter, love and work."

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