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Elira Bregu

The U.S. government fights the prescription opioid abuse.

Oxycodone Overdose is currently the number one death cause in the United States today. According to the publicly available data, this painkiller has killed more than 115 Americans daily in 2016.

That’s right; Oxycodone is a 'painkiller' drug, in particular, is a prescription opioid, which treats pain, but also has the power of addiction and death.

You may not be aware of this prescription narcotic, which is kind of Heroin, but for sure you have heard that Michael Jackson’s cause of death was by Oxycodone Overdose. The America's favourite Kung Fu master, Bruce Lee also died at the age of 32 by this prescription drug and so did Elvis Presley, Bridgette Andersen, Marilyn Monroe and the list go on.

The U.S. government in an effort to crack down the opioid abuse is taking a number of measures, including a proposal last month to tighten rules governing the amount of prescription opioid painkillers that drugmakers can manufacture in a given year.

On Friday the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Louisiana suspended a pharmaceutical distributor to sell large quantities of opioids to pharmacies without reporting the sales.

Morris & Dickson Co, a drug wholesaler, "failed to properly identify large suspicious orders for controlled substances sold to independent pharmacies with a questionable need for the drugs.”

“Opioid distributors have a legal obligation not to facilitate the illicit diversion of drugs,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Friday in the statement by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

“That obligation has never been more important than it is right now as we face the deadliest drug crisis in American history,” Sessions said.

The probe showed that the purchases of Oxycodone and Hydrocodone were allowed the pharmacies to buy as much as six times the quantity of narcotics they would normally order, the DEA statement said.

Sessions have created an opioid task force and deployed prosecutors to hard-hit areas of the country with a mandate to bring more cases against traffickers.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 42,000 people died nationwide from opioid overdoses in 2016, the last year with publicly available data.

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